Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tate's 5th B-day

It's hard to believe Tate is 5 years old. We had a great time celebrating his special day. On May 1st, Tate invited his buddies from school to come to ABK (a sports center we belong to) for pizza, cupcakes(thanks Amanda) and open gym. They loved running around playing hard. I think their favorite was "the Pit." Running, jumping, & flipping it a pit full of soft sponge-like things. Tate really enjoyed hanging with his friends, and mom enjoyed the easy entertainment.

On Sat. we did a family/friend party at our house. It was a NINJA PARTY! Which was great, since we're all into the martial art thing. For the first time EVER, I actually was ready before the guests arrived. That NEVER NEVER happens. It felt wonderful. I can't believe how nice it is to have things go smoothly. That's rare to procrastinators like myself. Anyways, random tangent... I think the everyone had a great time. I know I did. Plus, afterwards we had my niece and nephew ... and Shauna and the kids all joined us for a slumber party. It was great. 9kids and Shauna and I. Memories. Gotta love 'em.

All in all Tate loved his birth-days. Fun times


Unknown said...

You are amazing my dear friend - your kids are blessed to have you!

Melinda said...

That is a beautiful table. Nice chairs too!