Friday, April 11, 2008

Smoky Mtn. Kids

We had a great time last night and enjoyed watching the kids and hearing their wonderful songs and verses they have learned. Tessa loved watching her big sis & bro and cheered them on through whole programs. What a little trooper she is! Although, it wasn't tough makin them look the part of hill-billys... since they are 1/2 hick! Their dad was from the sticks! That's what I loved...he was a good ol' boy!

Tayah and Gracie~ best buds at school

Cutest 'lil' ol' hill-billys ever! Like Tayah's freckles? She did those herself. We had a great time together and were so glad grandma and grandpa could come up to watch. Thanks!

1 comment:

Chris and Georg said...

Hi Stacie,
What a beautiful family you have!
You have done a nice job blogging.
Ashley loves, adores and says WONDERFUL things about you, so it was nice to finally meet you in person. Hope to see you again real soon!
Georg (Ashley's friend)
Think Orange;)